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There is not a moment here where you are not being cared for and looked after by the staff and the community. Whether it’s academically or mentally there is always someone praying for you, and ready to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be.

  • Elizabeth
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

I would say my time at EC has been rewarding because of the challenges that EC offered me, and I am most thankful for my teachers because of that. Thanks to my teachers, I was able to grow immensely academically, but also within my passions.

How did the EC community impact your life? 

At a worship night I got to see so many people who came out to just worship and be in the presence of God on a Friday night rather than doing something else. Seeing other’s passion for Christ allowed me to feel comfortable being outspoken and proud of my relationship with God.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

Though I was raised in a Christian family, I struggled a lot with feeling like my faith was my own. In my senior year, EC had chapel speaker talk about what to do when we doubt God. In that moment I felt God calling to me, and I stopped running. The friends I found here at EC, the worship team, and my teachers have all encouraged my journey with Christ from that point and for that I am endlessly grateful and feel strengthened for when I go to college.

What’s an opportunity at EC that fueled a passion to learn and grow in? 

I took Media Production in the spring of my Junior year, and it is thanks to that class that I am going to college for film. Through many obstacles, our teacher taught us everything we needed to know and never missed an opportunity to help any of us in our films. Every day I was excited to create in that class, and every time I look back on it I feel that same excitement towards my future as a film major.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

Lovingly pushing students to be the best they can be, nurturing a strong sense of community, and offering the resources needed for success.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

EC has offered me a chance to truly find myself, and to push myself to become the person I want to be. I learned quickly at EC that your life is only what you choose it to be, whether it was through the courses they offered that I could choose, letting me test to switch to an honors class, or through the numerous clubs offered I made my high school experience everything it was with the help of my teachers and peers. As I prepare to face the real world soon, I understand that I don’t have to simply hope for the best, but rather I can make my reality the best.

How did EC make you a better person? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

EC taught me what I consider to be one of the most important life lessons: to treat others with kindness because, at the end of the day, we are all human. The testimonies shared in chapel opened my eyes immensely to how everyone has something going on in their life, and if we can respect that then it makes all the difference. I hope as I leave EC, people can look back and remember even just one good moment shared with me, whether it be big or small.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

There is not a moment here where you are not being cared for and looked after by the staff and the community. Whether it’s academically or mentally there is always someone praying for you, and ready to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be.


I believe dual enrollment courses have prepared me well for college.

  • Tim
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

I’m thankful that the teachers care for the students and are always willing to help. They are friendly and easy to approach. I believe dual enrollment courses have prepared me well for college.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

Chapel has helped me take a break from busy school life and refocus on the things that really matter.

What’s an opportunity at EC that fueled a passion to learn and grow in? 

Web and App Development was a super interesting class where I found my passion for computer science related things.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

There is really nothing to be nervous about. Just be yourself and don’t be afraid to speak up because the community is very welcoming.

For any prospective students considering EC in their futures, I can guarantee not only a successful academic experience, but the growth of an entirely new family here. With this remarkable passion to see students develop and succeed, Eastern Christian School and the people in the community cultivate an atmosphere for positive change and for discipleship... Eastern Christian is only the beginning of my story, but a very significant part that I’ll cherish forever. I would not be the person I am today without these mentors and friendships to support me each step of the way.

  • Jadyn
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

In a few weeks, I will be leaving Eastern Christian High School and going on to university where I plan to study journalism. My journey at this school started in the ninth grade. Since then, my road has included meeting many different people, and taking advantage of experiences and opportunities that have contributed to the person I am today. Reflecting on my time at EC, there are various reasons why I am grateful to be a student here. This community and the support I’ve received has not only provided me with a way to grow in my academic passions, but it has also provided me a place to prosper in my spiritual faith.

The staff would be one of the primary reasons why this school is such an encouragement. More than just teachers, they are personal mentors who actively demonstrate a care and commitment toward each one of their students. A Bible teacher I had earlier in my high school career has changed my life in ways he may have never even known. He was the first to seek me out in my spiritual standstill and introduce me to new beginnings in my journey with Christ.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

In addition to the people who have walked with me, opportunities for spiritual growth abound. The opportunity for missions trips is another huge factor which makes EC stand out. The school partners with organizations who strive to teach students the meaning and purpose of being disciples of Jesus in our everyday lives. During spring of 2022, I went to Lynch, Kentucky with Touch the World through EC in an effort to care for the impoverished citizens there, bringing a spirit of hope to them. This year, a group of students, including myself, traveled to Guatemala with a very similar mission in mind. The possibilities are truly endless at a place such as this. Weekly chapel services and a prayerful community is one which is not available simply anywhere. Eastern Christian fosters the need for prayer and gospel outreach into the hearts of their students.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

Although EC remains smaller compared to many of the public schools in the area, there are definitely advantages for those who seek to excel academically. It is here at EC that I am treated as a person, with unique gifting, passions and personality. There is truly no Academic and College Counseling center like ours. They have helped me emphasize my uniqueness and individual achievements as I have pursued college paths that fit me. But perhaps more importantly, coming from this smaller, caring community, I was able to try new things, excel in a variety of areas, and “shine”; whereas, in a larger school it is easier to blend into the background.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

I feel 100% prepared to graduate and step into this next chapter of my life, all because of the help and facilitation of the ACC and my wonderful college counselor.

How did EC make you a better person? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

I had a long past in public school and EC was never “in the books for me”, yet it is exactly where God wanted me. I believe my home is where the Lord is and here, in this place, I 100% believe Jesus is, and has been working, my last four years. I have learned to empathize with others who come from all different types of backgrounds and communities, and have gotten to know myself better as a result. I hope EC remembers Jadyn as someone who was always striving to better herself, and the people she came across along the way.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

For any prospective students considering EC in their futures, I can guarantee not only a successful academic experience, but the growth of an entirely new family here. With this remarkable passion to see students develop and succeed, Eastern Christian School and the people in the community cultivate an atmosphere for positive change and for discipleship. As a fearful, timid freshman coming out of a different school setting, I had no clue what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be. Today, I can affirm that the Holy Spirit has filled me with the confidence and joy to go out and be the good the world needs to see. Eastern Christian is only the beginning of my story, but a very significant part that I’ll cherish forever. I would not be the person I am today without these mentors and friendships to support me each step of the way.

What else would you like to share about your EC experience?

My life verse which EC has shined light on over these past for years: 

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” -Matthew 16:25

Truly, I have found new life at EC.

I think EC made me a better person by giving me a well rounded worldview. One of the coolest things is that I was able to receive a Christian education which helped established my firm foundation in Christ while also gaining perspective on what’s going on in the world around me.

  • Mackenzie
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

My experience at EC was amazing! I am most thankful for my Christian education. The fact that every class, not only Bible, is biblically driven!!

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I would say most of my spiritual growth has come in high school. I think the high school creates amazing opportunities for students to make their faith their own. I think it is really important for students to take advantage of the chapel time and really let what speakers are saying sink in. I also feel that the faculty has really impacted my faith and been great role models for me to strive to be like and encouraged me in my faith. My faith over the course of my EC career has transformed from a general understanding to a true relationship with Jesus!

What’s an opportunity at EC that fueled a passion to learn and grow in? 

As I was in my Junior and Senior year I realized I loved to organize things and be in charge to an extent. It wasn’t one specific thing, but SOAR (Student Opted Academic Resource) period as a whole and being allowed to take charge and lead in areas that I am truly passionate about was amazing. An example of this would be leading Anchored Girls Bible Study.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

I think EC’s top strength is community! Especially in my years of high school! I think being a high schooler opens up a whole new opportunity to get involved. Such as going to community nights and cheering our teams on, community worship nights, and just other events that are put on over the course of the school year.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

I feel like EC does a really good job of preparing you for college. I feel that through the whole process I was supported and I could ask no dumb question when it came to applications. Not only that but through school work I feel I was able to experience classes that really challenged me. Especially having the opportunity to switch from CP to Honors for more challenging work!

How did EC make you a better person? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

I think EC made me a better person by giving me a well rounded worldview. One of the coolest things is that I was able to receive a Christian education which helped established my firm foundation in Christ while also gaining perspective on what’s going on in the world around me. I really enjoyed doing the personal worldview project, and getting to compare perspectives from freshman to senior year!

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

The one thing I would say to anybody is to try everything! Any clubs, sports, soars that you are interested in do them! There are just so many things to get involved in. Over the course of my four years I have done so many different things and I really was able to find and discover what I like. It also allows you to meet a bunch of new people!

I really believe EC does a great job in fostering a community that is uplifting. There is always a teacher or student/friend ready to talk to you and really help you see through.

  • Nehemiah
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

My experience at EC has been amazing and has really helped me become the person I am today. It is the perfect balance in having fun while keeping God at the center. I am most thankful for being able to talk to any of the teachers about anything. Chapels have also been a blessing in regards that we get to hear a new speaker preach about new ideas every week.

How did the EC community impact your life? 

The EC community has put people in my life that are now some of my closest friends. It has provided me friends I can talk about anything with and has really helped my faith develop. It allows me to really be held accountable while holding my friends accountable. It’s a great way to build each other up.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

EC has allowed me to be held accountable alongside my friends. It has really caused and helped me to get a deeper understanding of the Bible.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

I really believe EC does a great job in fostering a community that is uplifting. There is always a teacher or student/friend ready to talk to you and really help you see through.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

EC has really helped me shape my vision on what I want to become and what college route I want to take. The Academic and College Counseling office has helped me tremendously in finding the school that fits me along with assisting in the entire application process.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

I would say its defenitely an amazing option and you are in for a ride. EC has a great community in the classroom, sports events, and even outside of school itself. The program really is there to set you up for the best path for your career.


I think one of EC's top strength as a school is finding teachers that love God. I don't think I have ever questioned the faith of any of my teachers as it is always so apparent in everything they do. They are all very inspiring and I know they are all willing to talk about their faith and help students through their own walks of faith.

  • Sarah
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

I have had a very positive experience at Eastern Christian. I am most thankful for the opportunities provided by Eastern Christian. I am extremely thankful for my opportunity to go to my internship at the Wayne Museum as I have learned so much about what it is like to work at a historical site. It has given me a glimpse of what I currently plan on doing after college and it has been an incredible experience.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I have grown in my faith thanks to the worship focused chapels and also Bible classes. During the worship chapels I always feel like I am especially connected to God and that my faith is real and not just something that I say. Being led in worship during chapel by my Bible teacher was always incredible. With his classes, he was always willing to discuss any Bible related topic with us that we may have questions about and I loved being able to see how deep his faith was and his trust in God. I hope that my faith will be as strong as his one day.

What’s an opportunity at EC that fueled a passion to learn and grow in? 

My World History classes and my WINGS internship have both greatly fueled my passion for history. They have helped me to realize the full potential of my interest in history and have helped me decide what I want to do in the future. I also especially loved just the way that it was taught, as it connects in my brain so well and really helped me understand and absorb what my teacher was teaching us. Then with my WINGS internship it has just been such an amazing opportunity where I get to learn so much about being a historian as well as being able to learn about some really interesting people from history who have been forgotten by most people.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

I think one of EC’s top strength as a school is finding teachers that love God. I don’t think I have ever questioned the faith of any of my teachers as it is always so apparent in everything they do. They are all very inspiring and I know they are all willing to talk about their faith and help students through their own walks of faith.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

I think again through the WINGS program specifically EC gives student such an incredible opportunity to learn what they might want to do in the future through actual work experience. All of the people who I know who have done or are doing WINGS have had incredible times and have learned so much through the experience. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to participate for my last semester.

I have become more bold and unashamed of the gospel by attending EC. Being surrounded by so many other kids my age with a passion for Jesus has inspired me to never hide who I am in Christ but to live unashamedly.

  • Natalya
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

I am very grateful for the time that I’ve had at EC. Although I was only here for one year, my experience was amazing and exactly what God knew I needed to turn my life around. I am most thankful for the Godly, life-impacting friendships that I’ve gained this year and will cherish all the experiences I’ve had as a senior. I’m also very grateful for the worship team and being able to praise God with fellow students during chapel and worship nights.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I have become more bold and unashamed of the gospel by attending EC. Being surrounded by so many other kids my age with a passion for Jesus has inspired me to never hide who I am in Christ but to live unashamedly.

What’s an opportunity at EC that fueled a passion to learn and grow in? 

My fall semester in math analysis fueled a passion to learn math that I had lost in my previous educational years. My teacher made his class very engaging and something I genuinely looked forward to. In times past, math had frustrated me to the point of tears but my teacher math fun again and concepts easier to grasp. Even when I didn’t understand something fully, he availed himself as a resource and remained patient until I understood the topic.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

Community building. EC feels like a family which is something that many schools lack.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

EC has prepared me for college/career and life by giving me the tools I need to defend the gospel. My apologetic class has prepared with the scriptures and arguments needed to share the gospel with those of different beliefs. This will be important especially in college so that I’m not easily impressionable or tempted to fall away from my own faith.

How did EC make you a better person? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

EC made me a better person by bringing back the joy that prior years had taken from me. In going to EC, every day no longer felt like such a burden and I looked forward to coming to school. Even though I haven’t been at EC for a long time, the legacy I hope to have left is the possibility that I touched at least one person’s life in a positive way. I hope that I made someone feel seen, heard or loved. I hope that I was able to speak a word or kindness to someone while they were down or maybe I was the reason why someone looked forward to coming to school. If I haven’t done anything else memorable, I at least hope one person felt the love of Jesus through me after encountering me.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

Make the most of every day and the people around you because they can be the biggest blessing you never knew you needed!

I have had an enjoyable high school experience at EC. I was able to participate in many clubs and sports, and have met some of my best friends here. I am thankful for caring teachers that have taught me not only about their assigned subjects, but have taught me lessons that to apply to my everyday life.

  • Gianna
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

I have had an enjoyable high school experience at EC. I was able to participate in many clubs and sports, and have met some of my best friends here. I am thankful for caring teachers that have taught me not only about their assigned subjects, but have taught me lessons that to apply to my everyday life.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I have grown in my faith because of the many opportunities we have to talk about our relationship with Christ, and worship him. I’ve been in some classes where the conversation gets sidetracked, and a biblical topic comes up, and those have been the times where I’ve learned the most about Christianity. Our teachers are always open to answering questions about the Bible.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

One of EC’s strengths is the small class sizes and long blocks that allow for a great learning experience.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

EC has taught me many life skills that I will use in the future, like planning, time management, and writing skills. Through trial and error I have been able to learn a lot over the past 4 years.

In essence, Eastern Christian played a pivotal role in shaping me into a better person by instilling strong values, fostering a supportive community, and providing numerous opportunities for growth. The legacy I hope to have left is one of kindness, service, leadership, and a passion for learning; elements that contribute to the spirit of EC.

  • Sarena
  • Grade 12


Grade 12

How would you describe your overall experience at Eastern Christian?

My overall experience at Eastern Christian was positive. I appreciate that I could continue to attend this school, no matter where I moved, and that there was such a supportive community. I am also thankful for the balanced academic and spiritual education, the opportunities for leadership and service, and the lasting relationships I formed.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

Having the consistency of chapel every week allowed me to focus on God throughout the week, not only on Sundays. In high school, the higher level of emphasis on faith (displayed through community building activities and worship sessions like worship night etc.) deepened my relationship with not only Christ, but also the Christians in our community.

What’s an opportunity at EC that fueled a passion to learn and grow in? 

Ceramics class reignited the passion for tactile arts that I had neglected for a long time. It fueled my passion for creativity in that aspect again. Ceramics class provided a unique and valuable outlet for my creativity. Working with clay allowed me to express my thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a tangible form. This creative process was both therapeutic and fulfilling.

What are EC’s top strengths as a school?

EC has many strengths, a couple of them being emphasizing Christianity, and demonstrating a high level of security for the students and staff. I love that honesty is emphasized, and that students are given the opportunity to accept and learn from their mistakes.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

In middle school, the classes I took laid the groundwork for classes in high school. Taking the classes I was placed in adequately assisted my growth as a student, as I was able to learn and solidify material that I would expand on in high school. In high school, staff from previous years truly helped me to grow as a person, and gave me advice I will keep with me forever.

How did EC make you a better person? What legacy do you hope you left at EC?

In essence, Eastern Christian played a pivotal role in shaping me into a better person by instilling strong values, fostering a supportive community, and providing numerous opportunities for growth. The legacy I hope to have left is one of kindness, service, leadership, and a passion for learning; elements that contribute to the spirit of EC.

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